
Monday, June 22, 2015

Sweet Sunday

I am posting this from half way across the country after surviving my first two flights. I was blessed with safe travels and a beautiful sunset! God is so wonderful and blesses us beyond measure! 

Sunday was a busy but wonderful day! The day started with coffee of course, and then sweet time reading and singing on the deck. 

Since it wasnt raining for the first time in days we decided to embark on an adventure. I am so thankful that we can adventure right in our backyard! Have I mentioned that we are blessed??!?!! The first stop was the blueberry patch. Watch out for snakes and bears, but the sweet blueberries are worth the risk!

Once our bellies were full we took off down a new path to see what we could discover. We walked down a furn linned path listening to the sounds of kids and critters, and took in the beauty of God's creations. Through the woods, over a fence, and to the very top...

We stood for a long time... looking, pointing things out, laughing, happy. Saying over and over how much we are blessed... 

Then it was down an old road, up on some rocks, and sneeking through the woods to try and scare each other. By that time we needed to refill at the blueberry patch! The rain started just as we headed for home. Kind of fitting, since we were all sad to leave the mountian... 

Knowing my first flight (the glider doesn't count) was only a few hours away I was anxious... But I had wonderful helpers getting me ready and a very wonderful escourt to the airport! We did hugs and kisses and prayers and said see ya (no good byes, just see ya). Then it was off to security. It was raining again... Almost as soon as I was seated on the plane we taxied onto the runway, but we didnt take off. Being my first flight I was nervous and I didnt know what was happening. We turned and taxied off the runway, they told us we had to wait on the storm that was coming right towards us. Little did I know that while I was worrying, my love and crew were right behind me on the runway hoping to see me one more time! (not just anyone gets to do that! Maybe I am a little special!!) Once we were cleared for flight they raced after me down the runway! When I landed I had this picture to show they were watching me fly out! 

I have been blessed!!! 

Grace of God be with you! 


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