
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Stories by the Fire: Intro

I have always enjoyed writing and telling stories, espically round a campfire. Most of the stories start something like, "remember that time we..." or "I'll never forget they day that..." or the best one, "this scar is from the time that..." oops! Some stories bring laughter, some bring tears and sometimes you will get the half grin that shows there is more to the story that can't be told.

Stories by the Fire is my way of documenting and sharing the stories I enjoy and that I have learned and grown from. Some will be short, some will be long and some might make you wonder just what kind of childhood I had *insert grin face.*  I hope you enjoy and look forward to these stories as much as I do!


Mr. Chipmunk

Remember the hunting season, you know, a few years back when I missed the 5-point? Well, it was about an hour or so after I shot and I was still trying to find this buck. It could have been a clean miss, but I needed to be sure. I was way back up in the bowl (the hollow got its name for it's bowl shape and once you got in the only way out was straight up!) and I sat down on the bank to rest and watch for deer movement. 

Once or twice I caught sight of something way out in the brush, so I was intently watching, poised and ready, hoping for the buck to come out. I was already frustrated that I missed once (breaking my single shot no miss record) and I was not about to miss again. 

Knowing I was all alone I was just a tiny bit shocked when something bumped my elbow!! Heart racing I was almost afraid to look down, but I lifted my arm and there was a little chipmunk! Chipmunks are quick little critters, but I am not sure I have ever seen one jump so high and move so fast! 

I never did find that buck, but I enjoyed my time in the woods and won't ever forget the chipmunk who thought I was a tree!

Grace of God be with you! 

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