
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Into the Mountains??

You might wonder why the title of my blog is "Into the Mountains." 

To start with, I love the mountains. Growing up in Central Pennsylvania everything was either over the mountain or down the valley. And everything involved walking up hill. 

Some try to say we just have hills. They may not be the Rockies, but they are mountains. Don't argue that. 

The mountains are beautiful, and right now they are filled with Mountain Laurel flowers. I could walk for hours in the mountains watching God's creations. So peaceful and quiet. And I have been blessed so incredibly much with mountains to enjoy. 

But the real reason for the name is throughout the Bible God's people went into the mountains to be closer to God, to seek God, to hear God... and in Luke 6:12 we read "now it came to pass in those days that He (Jesus) went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." 

Into the mountains I go, to pray and seek God. To be still and stand in awe of our Lord. Into the mountains like the faithful who went before me. Into the mountains to draw close to God. A place of refuge before returning to God's work we are called to complete in the world. 

"How beautiful upon the mountains 
are the feet of him who brings good news, 
who proclaims peace, 
who brings glad tidings of good things, 
who proclaims salvation, 
who says Zion, your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

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