
Friday, June 26, 2015

Critter Tale

From critters we see to critters we raise we enjoy them all, even if they run and hide under the muddy shed in the middle of a storm until we retrieve them (by crawling in the mud).

We have been enjoying the pair of hummingbirds at the feeder. They crashed into the hosta bush this week, but came back racing around faster then ever! 

Mr. Bear has visited several times and inspected the potato plot on one visit. He seems to like posing for the game cam too. And as long as there are enough blue berries for the both of us we will get along just fine. 

Daffy Duck, the critter that hid under the shed in the storm, is growing fast and getting lots of feathers now. 

We just got word that our chicks hatched! They will be arriving in a few days! Time to get the pen and heat lamp ready! 

Come back next week to see the chicks!!

Mr. Bear comes to visit 

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