
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

An edited life?

I enjoy Instagram and photography. So let me just say that I am not here to totally bash social media. But, I do want to share the following thoughts...

What if we looked at our entire life, every moment, and enjoyed it like it was a carefully crafted Instagram picture? Instead of only looking at the "social-media-worthy-highlights" that we want to show off to others...

What if we viewed every moment of everyday as beautiful and breathtaking? Rather than focusing on drama and frustrations...

What if we enjoyed all the simple things? In place of longing for things we do not have...

What if we took time and put forth effort to intentionally see the amazing things happening in our everyday lives? Instead of missing moments because we are glued to our phones...

What if we spent time looking at our blessings? Rather than someone else's Facebook status...

Or, are we deceived into missing so much of life because we are comparing our outtake reel to someone else's "edited" life as seen on Instagram and Pinterest?

Are we trying to live an edited life?

Just a guess, but... I think we would find joy and contentment if we intentionally focused on our blessings from God and every moment of the life He has given us.

My prayer is that God will help me to enjoy what He has blessed me with, in this moment. And that I would not compare my life with others or attempt to compete with anyone else.

Friday, October 28, 2016


It is Friday!

These three words can pack a huge meaning. And for many it means the work week is over and the weekend is starting. Believe me, I am looking forward to the weekend! But, I am wondering... Do we use that phrase as an excuse to glide through the day doing just enough to get by and fly off to our weekend escape? Do we use that phrase to be lazy?


Do we say, "It is Friday!" This is my last work day this work week. I need to make it count. I need to do hard things. I need to step it up and get things done.

It can be easy to fall to the temptation of complacency.

It can be easy to just exist.

I for one need a kick in the butt now and then to keep moving. So this is my challenge, the kick in the butt, to myself to do this day well. To do hard things and to make this time count.

And by the grace of God I know this is going to be a great day!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Doggy Beds and Rain "Puddles" - Friday Morning Rambling

Overnight our area had the worst rain storm of the year. If you do not believe me just check the local news stations! Evacuations and water rescues took place most of the night in two nearby towns.

We were sleeping for most of the storm and unaware of the flooding until alerts blasted across our phones startling us awake. Clearly our dog was also unaware. Let me just share something with you about our incredibly smart Australian Shepherd:

Two weeks ago I bought her a bed. Not just any bed. A Serta mattress doggy bed (spoiled rotten, I know). The picture below serves as the proof (do not let the dog tell you otherwise).

Fast forward to this delightful morning, with our rain gauge reading 6 inches... Where is little doggy? OUTSIDE. Laying in the rain looking like a drowned rat.

Are we cruel animal owners? Ha! Her nice warm dry doggy bed was less then 20 yards away and freely accessed. But, as she is a very smart doggy, I am convinced that she must have just been taking her morning shower (too bad ticks can't be washed off).

But listen! Even Bubba duck loudly shared her displeasure when let out of her pen this morning. A DUCK!!   I'm convinced she would wear a rain coat and boots if we provided them (but she would require they be of the latest fashion, of course).

I truly do not understand this dog. But she provides us with humor! I guess she can stick around. She just better start using that bed!!

Happy Friday! 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Critter Tale

This week our critter adventure took us to Reptile Land! 

We had fun exploring and checking out all the creatures. 
The turtles loved a neck rub! 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Place to Call Home: Chapter 2

Mindy and Warren emerged from their cabin hand in hand, ready to face the aftermath of the storm. They paused at the door to survey the farm. Branches and leaves were scattered all about and a milk pail was laying in the middle of the yard. Warren noticed several boards came loose from the barn roof and the door had blown open. Mindy could already see hail mangled plants in the garden and shuddered at the thought of their corn fields that were surly shredded to pieces. Smoke curled up on the horizon, they would have to keep an eye on that. Lightening could start terrifying wild fires.

50 years out here on the prairie, 50 years of similar storms, but the shock of seeing the damage never lessened. But they had learned a thing or two about how to recover from even a wild tornado. The first task was to check the livestock and food storage. Without the animals and food they were hopeless. The cold cellar door was still latched tight, but they checked for water damage inside. All was well, Next they checked Mindy's chickens. They were all huddled in the corner and a tad wet, but they would be fine come morning. She was glad for the extra latch they had installed.

Warren paused to let Mindy rest on the bench he had built by her chicken coop and glanced back out at the smoke. He guessed it was two or three miles away, but it was dark black now and growing. Smoke like that came from more than just lightening striking a tree. The thought that it could be a neighbors house or barn was enough to make his stomach sick.

Inside the barn puddles had created mud showing the location of each leak in the roof. Most were still dripping and a small river seemed to be running through the south west corner under the milk cow. She eyed up Warren and swatted her tail in dissatisfaction. The reddish brown cow seemed to think she owned the barn and reminded Warren daily. The three pigs along the east wall slept like nothing had happened. The tan barn cat was sitting on the belly of the largest pig licking her paws. The horses were the only creatures to really show how upset they were over the storm. The appaloosa mare was shaking her head and rocking back and forth, clearly irritated. Mindy started talking to her and reached out to clam her. The pair of draft horses still had their ears pinned back. Frost, the older of the two, was trembling. Warren panicked when he noticed the hole in the wall at the back of their stall. It appeared that Bentley had kicked the wall and was now bleeding.

"Mindy please bring my toolkit over, I need to get this bleeding stopped," Warren asked, voice shaking. These horses were his most valuable tool. He relied on them for all his field work and for getting supplies from town. Mindy wobbled toward the small room they had separated off as the tool room. It was darker in there, but Warren always put his tools away neatly and she knew just where it would be. She took one step further as she reached out for the box of vet supplies but stumbled and cried out in pain.

Warren hurried over with the lantern scolding himself for asking her to get the toolbox. But what he found in the tool room shocked him.

To be continued... 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Critter Tale

Our weekend project was building a house for Bubba Duck. However, he much prefers being in the yard as close to people as possible! He even made a trip into the kitchen...

He has adjusted to his house and we keep him there at night for safety. We also don't want him running away again! 

We found some forest green paint and his little green army tent turned out pretty cute! 

The rest of the critters are doing well and the chicks are counting down the days until they move out side too. I am looking forward to putting them to work as slug control! 

That's all for this week! God bless!