
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

An edited life?

I enjoy Instagram and photography. So let me just say that I am not here to totally bash social media. But, I do want to share the following thoughts...

What if we looked at our entire life, every moment, and enjoyed it like it was a carefully crafted Instagram picture? Instead of only looking at the "social-media-worthy-highlights" that we want to show off to others...

What if we viewed every moment of everyday as beautiful and breathtaking? Rather than focusing on drama and frustrations...

What if we enjoyed all the simple things? In place of longing for things we do not have...

What if we took time and put forth effort to intentionally see the amazing things happening in our everyday lives? Instead of missing moments because we are glued to our phones...

What if we spent time looking at our blessings? Rather than someone else's Facebook status...

Or, are we deceived into missing so much of life because we are comparing our outtake reel to someone else's "edited" life as seen on Instagram and Pinterest?

Are we trying to live an edited life?

Just a guess, but... I think we would find joy and contentment if we intentionally focused on our blessings from God and every moment of the life He has given us.

My prayer is that God will help me to enjoy what He has blessed me with, in this moment. And that I would not compare my life with others or attempt to compete with anyone else.

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