
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Stories by the Fire: The Ski Adventure

Ski with... um... what's the sign say?

Several years ago, before I was trained as a National Ski Patroller, my family took a trip to Smugglers Notch Vermont. There was 13 of us, packed and squished into cars, for the long drive up. Skis loaded on top and tons of warm clothes, snacks and laughter. It was one of those trips that seemed like a dream, or at least, for us kids who didnt have to pay or do anything of the planning! 

We arrivied in Vermont to beautiful snow and sun. To me this was far better than any beach and sun.The  week was packed with skiing, games, good food, tubbing and exploring. The skiing was great! We spent most of out time in the black diamond glades, we even found an ice cave! Due  to our 'exploring' dad decided to buy us helmets, hmm... wise move dad! (I still have and wear the very same helmet!). 

The last day of the trip we woke up to 8 inches of light fluffy perfect beautiful awesome POWDER!!!!!   

My older brother (you will start to see a theme when it comes to stories with my older brother *grin*) and I took off to the far mountian to explore new glades and the deep powder. Now let me tell you, this powder was like no other I have ever skied. So deep, so light, so perfect. It  made you feel like a pro skiier out in the back county. Not even kidding, it. was. awesome! 

We headed down into a glade, enjoying the snow and the beauty of the day. Like I said, it was a new glade we had not even been near yet, but it was great! Racing along we beween pine trees we got down into a chute... My brother was ahead of me and suddenly stopped. We had come to a 15ft drop off!!!!! Now what?!?!?

Being the brave older brother, he decided to jump off first... He landed, almost disappearing in the snow. I heard a loud OUCH!!!!!! Starting to panic I jumped off, and disappeared deep into the snow. I was convinced I lost my skis, but was concerned about my brother. 

When I got over to him his face was an awful color of blue and white. With all the layers of clothes it was hard to tell, but his wrist was deformed... 

Thankfully, another skier came by from another direction and I flagged him down to go for help. We were still way out on the mountain... After what seemed like hours the ski patrol arrived with a sled. They quickly got him taken care of and to the base of the mountain. I was happy when his face regained a normal color! 

They splinted his wrist but it was several hours later on our way back to Pennsylvania before he was able to get it set and cast. We tease him to this day about ending our ski trip. But all things considered it was a good day and a wonderful trip!! 


Saturday, June 27, 2015


I. LOVE. Mulberries.

I love the taste of mulberries, I love picking mulberries and most of all I love the memories that come with picking mulberries. If you have never picked or eaten mulberries you must add it to you adventure list! 

Mulberry Tips:

The best way to pick mulberries is while riding a horse:
At my grandparents in Nebraska my horse Midnight and I would go racing down the dirt road, along the canal and to our secret mulberry trees. From his back I could reach tons of mulberries, as long as I snatched them before he did! We could come home hours later, hot, tired and stained purple. Picking from the platform of a John Deere 4440 works well too, plus you can cultivate a row or two while your out!

Hide the Evidence:
If you don't want to give away the location of your tree or share the berries you will need to hide the evidence. This is tricky.  After picking berries your hands (and possibly face and other body parts) will be stained purple. It doesn't come off easy. I found the best solution is to stop at the shop and work on a broken tractor (there always seems to be one around) then no one will notice the purple under all the grease!

Note: the lack of purple stains just means I hadn't picked enough yet. 

Collect Enough to Make A Pie:
Hmm... I have never collected enough to make a pie. The bucket never seems to get full. But it sounds like a good idea!! If you have made one please let me know how it turned out!! 

Watch for Critters:
Critters are not dumb. They too know how yummy mulberries are on a hot day. Birds, bears, horses, snakes, bees, WATCH OUT!! If you are wading through weeds or climbing the trees be sure to wear boots and long pants. 

Find or Plant Trees: 
On the farm in Nebraska mulberry trees were everywhere! Here they are a little fewer in between. But don't panic! If you are not sure mulberries grow in your area check with you local forestry specialist or keep your eyes open. Mulberries grow in most of the U.S. and if you can't find a wild tree you can order trees to plant. Just make sure you purchase the correct variety for you area. 


Friday, June 26, 2015

Critter Tale

From critters we see to critters we raise we enjoy them all, even if they run and hide under the muddy shed in the middle of a storm until we retrieve them (by crawling in the mud).

We have been enjoying the pair of hummingbirds at the feeder. They crashed into the hosta bush this week, but came back racing around faster then ever! 

Mr. Bear has visited several times and inspected the potato plot on one visit. He seems to like posing for the game cam too. And as long as there are enough blue berries for the both of us we will get along just fine. 

Daffy Duck, the critter that hid under the shed in the storm, is growing fast and getting lots of feathers now. 

We just got word that our chicks hatched! They will be arriving in a few days! Time to get the pen and heat lamp ready! 

Come back next week to see the chicks!!

Mr. Bear comes to visit 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Stories by the Fire: Intro

I have always enjoyed writing and telling stories, espically round a campfire. Most of the stories start something like, "remember that time we..." or "I'll never forget they day that..." or the best one, "this scar is from the time that..." oops! Some stories bring laughter, some bring tears and sometimes you will get the half grin that shows there is more to the story that can't be told.

Stories by the Fire is my way of documenting and sharing the stories I enjoy and that I have learned and grown from. Some will be short, some will be long and some might make you wonder just what kind of childhood I had *insert grin face.*  I hope you enjoy and look forward to these stories as much as I do!


Mr. Chipmunk

Remember the hunting season, you know, a few years back when I missed the 5-point? Well, it was about an hour or so after I shot and I was still trying to find this buck. It could have been a clean miss, but I needed to be sure. I was way back up in the bowl (the hollow got its name for it's bowl shape and once you got in the only way out was straight up!) and I sat down on the bank to rest and watch for deer movement. 

Once or twice I caught sight of something way out in the brush, so I was intently watching, poised and ready, hoping for the buck to come out. I was already frustrated that I missed once (breaking my single shot no miss record) and I was not about to miss again. 

Knowing I was all alone I was just a tiny bit shocked when something bumped my elbow!! Heart racing I was almost afraid to look down, but I lifted my arm and there was a little chipmunk! Chipmunks are quick little critters, but I am not sure I have ever seen one jump so high and move so fast! 

I never did find that buck, but I enjoyed my time in the woods and won't ever forget the chipmunk who thought I was a tree!

Grace of God be with you! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Sweet Sunday

I am posting this from half way across the country after surviving my first two flights. I was blessed with safe travels and a beautiful sunset! God is so wonderful and blesses us beyond measure! 

Sunday was a busy but wonderful day! The day started with coffee of course, and then sweet time reading and singing on the deck. 

Since it wasnt raining for the first time in days we decided to embark on an adventure. I am so thankful that we can adventure right in our backyard! Have I mentioned that we are blessed??!?!! The first stop was the blueberry patch. Watch out for snakes and bears, but the sweet blueberries are worth the risk!

Once our bellies were full we took off down a new path to see what we could discover. We walked down a furn linned path listening to the sounds of kids and critters, and took in the beauty of God's creations. Through the woods, over a fence, and to the very top...

We stood for a long time... looking, pointing things out, laughing, happy. Saying over and over how much we are blessed... 

Then it was down an old road, up on some rocks, and sneeking through the woods to try and scare each other. By that time we needed to refill at the blueberry patch! The rain started just as we headed for home. Kind of fitting, since we were all sad to leave the mountian... 

Knowing my first flight (the glider doesn't count) was only a few hours away I was anxious... But I had wonderful helpers getting me ready and a very wonderful escourt to the airport! We did hugs and kisses and prayers and said see ya (no good byes, just see ya). Then it was off to security. It was raining again... Almost as soon as I was seated on the plane we taxied onto the runway, but we didnt take off. Being my first flight I was nervous and I didnt know what was happening. We turned and taxied off the runway, they told us we had to wait on the storm that was coming right towards us. Little did I know that while I was worrying, my love and crew were right behind me on the runway hoping to see me one more time! (not just anyone gets to do that! Maybe I am a little special!!) Once we were cleared for flight they raced after me down the runway! When I landed I had this picture to show they were watching me fly out! 

I have been blessed!!! 

Grace of God be with you! 


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Into the Mountains??

You might wonder why the title of my blog is "Into the Mountains." 

To start with, I love the mountains. Growing up in Central Pennsylvania everything was either over the mountain or down the valley. And everything involved walking up hill. 

Some try to say we just have hills. They may not be the Rockies, but they are mountains. Don't argue that. 

The mountains are beautiful, and right now they are filled with Mountain Laurel flowers. I could walk for hours in the mountains watching God's creations. So peaceful and quiet. And I have been blessed so incredibly much with mountains to enjoy. 

But the real reason for the name is throughout the Bible God's people went into the mountains to be closer to God, to seek God, to hear God... and in Luke 6:12 we read "now it came to pass in those days that He (Jesus) went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." 

Into the mountains I go, to pray and seek God. To be still and stand in awe of our Lord. Into the mountains like the faithful who went before me. Into the mountains to draw close to God. A place of refuge before returning to God's work we are called to complete in the world. 

"How beautiful upon the mountains 
are the feet of him who brings good news, 
who proclaims peace, 
who brings glad tidings of good things, 
who proclaims salvation, 
who says Zion, your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

To Learn Contentment

"But I rejoice in the Lord greatly now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:10-15 

Theses words Paul writes are packed with wisdom and power that followers of Christ need to study and apply to their lives. Most often we see the emphasis on "I can do all things through Christ..." and with the fast pace of the world it becomes easy to skip the word content. Social media makes it easy to see what we are "missing out on" and can lead to envy (not to mention other issues). Take a look at our culture, TV, advertisements, lifestyles... and you will see the attitude of more, more, more. Doing more. Needing more. Wanting more. Always moving on the the next bigger and better thing. I am guilty. 

The definition of content is: pleased and satisfied : not needing more. 

Paul writes in his first letter to Timothy warning him about greed and envy. Then he writes "now godliness with contentment is great gain" 1 Timothy 6:6. And again in Hebrews 13:5 "let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'" 

Why does the Word of God instruct us to be content? Why does Paul consider contentment great gain? When I look at my life, the times that I was content, were the times that I was most thankful, grateful, joyful, and calm. Contentment leads to knowing what God has blessed you with and praising Him for those blessings. It leads to being satisfied in Christ. 

Paul said he learned to be content. To learn takes work and study. It doesn't just happen. I must learn, study, put forth effort, to be content. 

The purpose of writing this blog is to write about learning to be content and to post about the many blessing I have, to help me see how God provides as He promised. For I have been blessed beyond measure. I do not want to miss out on enjoying (being pleased and satisfied) with those blessings!